My list ...
- Handspun cotton/woven undulating twill tote bag for my book charka. Not as hard as it sounds ("undulating!") but the handspun part is the hang-up here. I think there's about 6" or more on the loom already. Last time I touched the weaving, my son was in Third Grade (did a demo for his class with it!) -- and now he's in Fifth Grade and we've moved twice. 2/14/07 update: no progress yet in 2007, other than watching "Ghandi" (the movie) and drooling over their charkhas; at least I was spinning or knitting while it played! I think this is on semi-permanent hold!
- Hooked pillow-cover -- started in a class, I'd like to finish it! (ok, there are two of these -- the small one is a sheep, maybe a trivet? the large one is a rose)2/14/07 update: haven't located it in the project bin again yet ... !
- bead-knit mini purse (from a kit) 2/14/07: ditto
- bead-crochet mini purse (from a kit) 2/14/07: ditto
- Touche arm and hand warmers (see the pattern here) -- in greens -- now I'm up to the first checkerboard pattern on the first one! yay! 7/25/07: finished the first one in June, yay! now I need to think on what sort of slip-stitch I'd like do to for the second. not another fair-isle to match, that's for sure!
- alpaca fingerless gloves 2/14/07: touched the tote the project is in, but no needles clicking here ... the yarn's so fine, it takes some mental energy to gear up to this one again ...
- handspun socks with "mermaid" cuff from Neatby's book 7/25/07: This has advanced to "car-knitting" and I've made a little progress on it - yay!
- re-knit my tinked sock machine socks from Optim yarn I dyed (didn't spin it) 7/25/07: knit and sent as a gift! the yarn was perfect for my SIL as a master's graduation gift (even in summer in LA!)
- inkle shoe-laces in purple-and-white cotton 2/14/07: this one was only listed for completeness ... the inkle, I tell myself, looks so cute perched on the windowsill. Operative word "perched"...
- hand-spun nalbound hat (from Schmitt's new nalbinding book) 7/25/07: underway -- and will be handy given I'm teaching this weekend at Lacey!
- block my new shawl-ette to see how it really looks, and write down the pattern -- Jan 07 -- yay! it's blocked and lovely, so I must get writing!
- felt my moebius knit totebag (need to get a balloon for this step) - DONE Jan 07 three trips through the washer, and it's cute!
- type up my Son's Scarf pattern now that it's knit and being worn!
- Spin and knit the Jacob wool into the Oregon tote. Cute because the Jacob fleece is from Oregon too! 31 Jan 07 -- finished the spinning! 7/27/07 -- knitted and in-felting. It's not felting -- 10 times through the washer and it's still 90% it's original size. sigh. Could be our HOT isn't so hot. I'll keep trying.
I know there's more in the UFO basket, but these are what come
to mind!
Then there is the list of things I'd like to start (and finish!) ...
- twill alpaca scarf (weaving) -- have the yarn for it set aside! 7/27/07 -- permanent hold on this one, at least for now...
- socks for my sister in law 7/25/07 -- did it, with the optim above!
- arm/hand warmers on the sock machine
- DD's "backup" scarf -- promised her one! 7/25/07 -- did it!
What amazes me is how "permanent" this list is for me ... things aren't really dropping off, not much has been added (well, I didn't put them in anyway -- does a missing sweater count? as in, I'm going to knit it, but it's not on the list yet?) but still it's great to see I've made some progress!
A shawl-ette? Keep talking baby. When do we get photos? : )
hehe. I finally got it posted. It's small, most patterns out there seem to call these scarves -- but they are triangles, so not the scarf I'm used to. So, "Shawlette". I will work on a photo of it. It's cool! Purple and orange, very snazzy. I used "madeira lace" as the repeat (from Barbara Walker's books) -- it looks a bit like spiders!
Very Exciting! Photo, photo, photo.
Thank you for the hints for finding sock spinning tips : )
OK, the shawlette photo is here:
And I have a friend "test knitting" a scrawled version of the pattern for me -- we'll see how it goes!
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