Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Silver's UFOs

As is characteristic for me, my UFO list is kind of haphazard and incomplete, with a few things here and there left off for various reasons, but I compiled this mostly from the Grand List of WIPs. I'm sure I'll be just as haphazard about updating, although at least I'm slightly more responsible with the aforementioned WIP list. ;) Here goes! In no particular order...

Knitting Projects:

*"Knit Not War" crane - just needs felting

*"Licorice" vest from (I think) an issue of knit.1 -- just needs the ribbing attached, and then it's done!

*Black lace shawl in alpaca - a wedding gift for a friend, on a KnitPicks pattern, with KnitPicks yarn (I've heard it's traditionally acceptable to send a gift up to a year after the wedding ... and I'm still ahead of that, at least! ;))

*Knit Your Own Adventure Mystery Pi Shawl (Garden theme) from EZ as Pi knitalong last year

*Adamas shawl from KnitPicks in a purple fingering weight; I may end up frogging this and using the yarn for something else, like lace stockings

*Moonlight Mohair cape from a winter issue of knit.1 - had gauge and badly-written-pattern issues, but I've figured both out now and this shouldn't take me too long ... once I convince myself to start on it again (since it's for me, this isn't easy ;))

*A yellow square-neck tank top for my mom - It's almost completely done; I think the straps need sewing on and maybe the tails need weaving in, but I remember her being a little eh about the fit, so I may rip it out and re-do it entirely just to avoid Not Wearing It Syndrome

*A black and white lacy sweater on a pattern from The Knit Stitch - the nubbly yarn I chose for this didn't really make a good open knit, although I really like the yarn, so once I figure out what to do with it, I may end up ripping this out

*Brian's Duel sweater - I haven't actually started knitting this, but I did dye the yarn for it and do a gauge swatch, and I have to finish it by November or December, so I'm counting it ;)

*Sahara (sleeveless) for Sexy Knitters' Club knitalong - I started this recently (in May) and I may even manage to finish it in the next couple of months -- ha!

*Cabled chenille scarf on an original design for my friend Virginia, to replace the one she had stolen after wearing it once ... sigh. At least that means someone liked it. :P

*A pair of eyelet spiral socks as a gift for another friend

*Branching Out scarf - Yes, another gift!

*Fun-furry magic scarf attempt - I'm sort of failing to actually make this into one of those stretchy "magic scarves" you can wear as a cowl or as a scarf, etc., so I may end up ripping this if I can't figure out how to make it stretchier, especially at the cast on and bind off

*Socks for Soldiers Big Black Socks - still swatching...

*Socks for Soldiers leisure socks - not even swatching, but I have the yarn and I made a pledge, so I must knit them! I must I must! Once I actually start, they'll go quickly. It's making myself stop working on things with deadlines that's my bane on this...

*A Tinker shawl as a semi-commission for a Wheel of Time costume

*Fingerless gloves to match a tropical shawl I've finished (except for weaving in the tails), as part of a trade with someone

*The dark purple chenille fingerless gloves I was knitting on my own pattern, one of which is finished ... and I hope I can remember or figure out what I was doing originally ;)

Fiber and/or spinny projects:

*Spin to Knit Orphans Handspun Swap skein 2 (singles domestic wool) - I did the first skein and have started the second skein for this swap, but of course I'm late ... doh! Evilevil me.

*My "birthday gift" yarn - a laceweight/cobweb weight Colonial in a teal green type color blend

*A Kool-Aid dyed red Merino DK or sportweight (I'm not sure which)

*Some hand-painted Merino in "Spring Misty" colors

*Hand-combing a basket of Columbia wool

*Hand-combing "Plankton" Merino from Neauveau

1 comment:

Elysbeth said...

Where can I find more info on this? It sounds attractive to my UFO-ality. Knit Your Own Adventure Mystery Pi Shawl (Garden theme) from EZ as Pi knitalong.